Friday, July 20, 2007

Friday's Adventures

It was one A.M. before I finally went to sleep this morning and of course I was up at the crack of dawn! The only thing that kept me from having a fit was thinking about a recent post that Jane made (and MN Michelle) about their sleepless nights :) For some reason, it's comforting to know that others are miserable right along with me....the old saying is true; "misery does love company!"

I called and checked on Katie, our ten week old Chesapeake puppy. She's been at the vet's since Tuesday. We had noticed Monday afternoon (after we'd been in town all day shopping) that her food bowl has still full. Now this puppy inhales her food.....she even has to barf some up because she eats entirely too fast.....gross, but funny at the same time! So Tuesday morning when I came out to see about her she was life at all for a dog who greets you with a "woof" every morning. Tyler wrapped her up in a blanket and we carried her on to the vet's office. As soon as we got out of the car she upchucked all over the walkway :P They immediately did a screen for Parvo, which was negative and decided it best to keep her for a couple of days. The status as of this morning is the same...she's had diarrhea and they will not release her until it has cleared up. At first they were thinking it was something she had eaten (my mind was racing with all of the stuff Katie has been into! Even rotten bird eggs ICK!), but today they said there is a virus going around that mimics Parvo and can last for up to 9 days!!! Of course, DH is thinking money....I was too chicken to ask how much our bill is up to at this point LOL! He's friends with the vet, so I'll let him ask *blush*

Zach came home from church camp this morning :) Oh that kid is just the cutest thing! He was SO very homesick......when he walked into the house he took a big sniff and said "I missed this smell" hahahaha. He's a kid after my own heart *wub* He and Sydnee both are big smellers...Sydnee will come up only to get a sniff of my arm or the shirt I'm wearing. I remember how much I loved the way my mom smelled when she'd come into my room at night...there is nothing more comforting to a child.

Tyler will be off to spend the night with a friend tonight. He is completely torn over the news of Micheal Vick....I tell ya, these celebrities who do stuff like this really let a lot of kids down....I know they don't necessarily ask for it, but when they become famous there is an amount of responsibility (especially sports figures for young boys) that goes along with the territory!

Mark will be home tonight :) He's pooped and I'm hoping that he doesn't have any flight delays today *fingers crossed*

Okay, I've just piranahed my wallpaper and sprayed it with Diff, so I need to go and see if this stuff will peel off without too much elbow grease :D I shall do a consumer report in the next post!

Until then.....have a great Friday!


Unknown said...

Shellye...i haven't slept much this week either! Must be something in the LP air. HA! AND i had the hugest smile when i read about your boy, 'I missed this smell'. It is the first thing I notice when i walk into Dennis' home. " smells so good!". Have a great weekend!

Unknown said...

P.S. I love the title of your blog. You are so creative!

Shellye said...

LOL! Thanks Sandra.....I sat here forever trying to think of something :D
I know what you mean, we are big time smellers...DH doesn't smell much so he can't get it HA! There is a certain smell (like tempra paint maybe) when I go into a school that instantly floods me with memories of first grade in Iowa! It's strange but I can almost smell it now, kwim? :P